Manual data agencies,Limited transparency,Cumbersome paper work ,High potential errors and fraud


TRIPS+ ITAS, a comprehensive digital Integrated Tax Administration Solution aimed at modernizing tax operations, improving tax payerservices, tax compliance and enhancing revenue collection.


Increased tax compliance: The simplified processes and improved transparency encouraged taxpayers to meet their tax obligations, resulting in a higher compliance rate.

Enhanced revenue collection: The application enabled the MRA to identify tax evaders, reduce leakages, and improve overall revenue collection

Improved efficiency: By automating processes, the MRA reduced manual interventions, paperwork, and processing time, leading to enhanced operational efficiency

Reduced administrative burden: The Trips+ ITAS simplified tax-related tasks for both taxpayers and MRA officials, freeing up resources for more strategic activities.

Data-driven decision-making: Real-time access to tax data and accurate reports empowered the MRA to make informed decisions, devise targeted policies, and enhance tax administration.

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