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Corporate Governance

You can contact us through these Whistleblower Channels.


  0800721568   (Kenya – Toll free number)

+254709581999  (Any other locations)

Techno Brain believes that good corporate governance is a key driver of sustainable growth and long-term value creation. We are committed to adopting global best practices in corporate governance and disclosure. Ethical business conduct, integrity and commitment, which enhance and retain stakeholders trust are the hallmarks of good corporate governance.

These values are core to us at Techno Brain and integral to every aspect of our work. In the conduct of Techno Brain’s business and our dealings, we abide by the principles of honesty, openness and doing what is right and fair. These are the principles that guide our behavior at all times.

Anti Bribery Corruption Policy

Code of Conduct

Enterprise Risk Management Framework

Whistleblower Policy

Techno Brain Non Disclosure Agreement

Third Party Due Diligence Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Supplier code of conduct

Supplier code of conduct

Antitrust & Antifraud Policy

Supplier code of conduct

Social Media Policy

Request Demo

Contact Us

PO Box 57666-00200, Heritan House Woodlands Road, Off. Argwings-Kodhek Road Opposite to DOD Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel. +254 738 770 186/ 734 770 187
Fax +254 202 246 186
