Digital - Techno Brain Group
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Championing The Digital Revolution.




Software Engineers


Research and Development Centers


Digital IP Products

As an Information Technology (IT) Company, we have set up Digital and Analytics Services using groundbreaking disruptive, innovative and emerging technologies to add value to businesses and solve business challenges.

Leading Businesses to the Future

Digital Transformation marks a radical rethinking of how your organization can use technology, people and processes to radically change performance. To evolve with the rapid pace of digital change today, you must strive to increase efficiency with Technology wherever possible, adopt agile principles or partner with Techno Brain to navigate the future.

Delivering advanced applications that empower organizations

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Use Blockchain to resolve food supply complexities i.e. Transparency, food authenticity and safety.

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Locate 365

Use Blockchain to curb theft of millions worth goods in transit.

Delivering Farm Produce directly to consumers

IoT Platform connecting data to business

locate 365

Microsoft Testing Center

Mixed & Virtual Reality

Mixed Reality Applications blend real-world objects with digital content, interactively and in real-time. This helps users effectively interpret physical and digital information and the spatial relations between them. Unlike Virtual Reality in which the user is fully immersed in a digital world disconnected and isolated from the surroundings, Mixed Reality is anchored to the physical space and this keeps the user engaged while enriching the environment with related digital content.

Benefits of Mixed Reality in Real Estate

  •  Interactive Virtual Visits
  •  Easy customization
  • Increased conversion rates
  • Time and cost savings
  • Increased property viewings
  • Easy to market properties
  • International exposure

Request Demo

Contact Us

PO Box 57666-00200, Heritan House Woodlands Road, Off. Argwings-Kodhek Road Opposite to DOD Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel. +254 738 770 186/ 734 770 187
Fax +254 202 246 186